
In this blog, the final in the series about Artificial Grass, we’ll explore the reasons why artificial turf is proving to be a popular choice for ALS Landscaping customers, when it comes to designing their dream garden makeovers in Lincolnshire.
Are you thinking about giving your garden a makeover? One thing that’s worth considering is 3D garden design. At ALS Landscaping in Lincoln, we’re excited to be able to offer you this modern approach to garden design.
At ALS Landscaping we believe that the choice should always be yours. If you’ve been following this series, you’ll already know that artificial lawns are a safe option whether you have children and pets, or not.
One of the first things that people want to know when they see an artificial lawn is whether it’s safe for both children and pets, but it’s not just about whether it’s safe, it’s more about ‘how’ safe it is. Read on to find out more.
Over the last few years there's been a growing environmental argument against using fake grass. This blog will look at some of the issues. We’ll leave you to decide which side of the (garden) path you want to go down.

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